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Melasma Treatment

Melasma Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan

What is it?

Melasma is a pigmentary disorder of skin typically. Typically it appears as dark pigmentation which slowly develops on the face. The forehead, cheek bones, upper lip and chin are the most common facial areas affected. Melasma can occur in both males and females, but women who are or have been pregnant and those on birth control pills are the most likely affected.

What causes it?

Melasma is caused by over-stimulation of the pigment producing cells in the skin. Although the precise mechanism is not understood, sunlight seems to be an important factor in its causes. Other causes include harmonal upsets or contraceptive pills in women. Extra pigment is deposited in the skin resulting in the dark discoloration.

Is it dangerous?

Melasma is a harmless disorder. It is not related to cancer and it does not involve internal organs.

Can it be cured?

The predisposition to get Melasma cannot be prevented but treatment can often help improve many patients. We evaluate each patient individually to develop a treatment plan tailored to the degree and appearance of their involvement. After a woods light exam is done to determine the depth of pigmentation we use a four pronged approach in attempt to reduce the pigmentation, a bleaching protocol, sunscreens, beta peels and laser treatments and now the latest mesotherapy. Although most Melasma patients get noticeable cosmetic improvement of their discoloration, even with current cutting edge therapy for Melasma not all patients respond. After successful treatment, a careful skin care program will need to be followed to prevent recurrences.

Will it spread?

Treatment of Melasma largely just occurs on the face but may appear on the neck and arms as well. It may continue to worsen if the amount of sunlight exposure is not controlled.

Is it contagious?

Melasma is not contagious and you cannot "catch it" from anyone.

Best Treatment For Melasma On Face

  • Peels
  • Laser
  • PRP

For the best treatment for melasma on face get the honest advice from the Top Rated Dermatology Clinic in Lahore. We provide high quality services to treat all skin conditions from the simplest to complex.

melasma treatment in Lahore
Disclaimer:(*): Results may vary from patient to patient

Melasma Treatment Clinic in Lahore

face Melasma Treatment before
Disclaimer:(*): Results may vary from patient to patient
face Melasma Treatment after
Disclaimer:(*): Results may vary from patient to patient
face treatment of melasma before
Disclaimer:(*): Results may vary from patient to patient
face treatment of melasma after
Disclaimer:(*): Results may vary from patient to patient

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